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Verre Églomisé - Drawing into Gold
Cloud Cieling Murals
18th Century French Ornament

Flowering Chinoiserie Murals

3-day Mural Workshop | last held May 2-4, 2019 | Instructor: Lynne Rutter

An enduring and popular decorative style since the 17th century, the flowering Chinoiserie mural is once again on-trend as a versatile component in both traditional and contemporary interior design. It is also one of my favorite styles of mural to paint!

In this mural painting class, learn traditional as well as more innovative ways to paint classic Chinoiserie-style murals, inspired by the hand-painted wallpapers of the 17-18th centuries. Using various transfer methods and hand-finishing techniques, practice painting at full scale chinois flowers and plants such as peonies and plum blossoms, and learn how these techniques may be applied to any subject you wish to design into your murals: birds, lanterns, butterflies, etc. Understand how to use the elegant, confident brushwork that will enable you to create your own unique style of Chinoiserie while taking your painting work to a higher level of finesse.

    Class work includes:

  • Traditional Chinoiserie techniques and materials
  • Brushwork
  • Creating balanced color palettes from rich and ornate to the elegant blanc de chine
  • Transfer methods
  • Contemporary use and media for creating new Chinosierie
  • Design and composition considerations for murals, painted furniture, panels, and entire room-sets
  • Marouflage techniques
  • Practice pieces will be provided, and participants may select their own colors, composition, and details to personalize their work.
  • Each student will create a full sized mural panel.


Lynne Rutter Studio | 2325 3rd St. #207, San Francisco, CA 94107 (MAP)


  • Reservations for this class are not being accepted at this time
  • Call or email the studio to inquire about this or other workshops.

above: new Chinoiserie murals by Lynne Rutter; a student in a recent class

WELCOME to the workshop page!

Lynne Rutter Studio occasionally hosts decorative painting classes and specialized workshops on the finer points of decorative art, gilding, murals, and finishing, taught hands-on by established, practicing artists in a spacious working atelier. Classes emphasize traditional techniques and materials and practical methods.

Contact the studio with questions, or to be added to the email list.


TRAVELING to be here? Click here for advice on Accommodations in San Francisco.



"What a great, immersive experience, to learn something- really learn something I can use- in such a wonderful space... "

"Thank you Lynne! I loved everything about this class- the work, your generous teaching and humor, the magnificent studio space... Please let me know as soon as you schedule another class!"

"I just finished an entire 10 by 12 foot cloud ceiling in a little over one day all by myself. It came out awesome! Thank for teaching me how to paint clouds so easily. I amazed myself and my client."

"This is what I want to do and you have totally encouraged me to do it. I didn't want to leave your studio, I had to much fun..."

"Of course I wear a tiara while I am painting. Doesn't everyone?"

"Thank you so much for taking the time to teach us. I haven't been so inspired in so long! Looking forward to more classes. "