Verre Églomisé - Drawing into Gold
18th Century French Ornament
Landscape Mural
Mural Painting Master Class |Instructor: Pascal Amblard | January 27-31, 2025
Class is full- wait list available!
This intensive landscape mural course is a brilliant opportunity for those wanting to design and paint on a grand scale. Learn to create period style landscapes as full-size murals, inspired by the romantic rococo style of Boucher and other French masters of the 18th century. Work side by side with renowned French master Pascal Amblard, as he shows you his process for painting foliage and architecture in an elegant and efficient manner.
Pascal Amblard will lecture on the key points of mural design including, color,composition, rendering of volume, atmospheric perspective, use of reference material, and more.
- Practice painting technique at full scale
- Architectural elements and perspective
- Rendering sky, stone, landscape, wood
- Understanding the use of color, light, and shadow
- Effective techniques for creating atmospheric perspective
- Brushwork, and efficient painting style
- Marouflage discussion for installing a canvas mural.
Class is limited to a small group of 5 to 9 artists. Demonstrations of painting technique and individualized instruction will help challenge and advance your skills.
Classes are held in a large and fully-equipped working mural studio.
Pascal Amblard has been granted a prestigious O-1B visa in order to teach this masterclass.
class fee: $2,150
includes: full-sized canvas mural panel (approx 4'x7') all paint materials used in class, tube for transporting your mural home.
location: Lynne Rutter Studio | 2325 3rd St. #207, San Francisco, CA ( map)
Schedule: Monday-Friday, 9:30AM - 5:30 PM , with a break for lunch
- this class is currently full. Waiting list available!
- To reserve space in this class, use the button below to add your name to the Waiting list, and instructions will be emailed to you.
- Deposit class fee of $750 will be required to reserve your place.
- Remaining class fee will be due on or before January 3, 2025
- Beacause of the distance M. Amblard is traveling, class fees will be non-refundable after December 15, 2024 unless another student can take your place.
- Feel free to email the studio with any questions.
Pascal Amblard work: (above) landscape mural with balustrade (right) mural in the style of Pierre-Antoine Patel
to the workshop page!
Lynne Rutter Studio occasionally hosts decorative painting classes and specialized workshops on the finer points of decorative art, gilding, murals, and finishing, taught hands-on by established, practicing artists in a spacious working atelier. Classes emphasize traditional techniques and materials and practical methods.
Contact the studio with questions, or to be added to the email list.
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"What a great, immersive experience, to learn something- really learn something I can use- in such a wonderful space... "
"Thank you Lynne! I loved everything about this class- the work, your generous teaching and humor, the magnificent studio space... Please let me know as soon as you schedule another class!"
"I just finished an entire 10 by 12 foot cloud ceiling in a little over one day all by myself. It came out awesome! Thank for teaching me how to paint clouds so easily. I amazed myself and my client."
"This is what I want to do and you have totally encouraged me to do it. I didn't want to leave your studio, I had to much fun..."
"Of course I wear a tiara while I am painting. Doesn't everyone?"
"Thank you so much for taking the time to teach us. I haven't been so inspired in so long! Looking forward to more classes. "